Energizing and Amazement in Jesus of Nazareth

Tomorrow morning (October 29, 2017) we will look at the elements of energizing and amazement as parts of what it means to call Jesus a prophet. We will read several short passages from the Gospels and one rather long one from the ending of Luke.

I hope you can make it. I think we will have a lively discussion.

You can find the presentation I will use here.

Class schedule, and tomorrow’s class

Antonio Balestra (18th Century)

I have updated the class schedule to reflect recent changes. Last week we were off the schedule, and now we will be back in line with what is published. Tomorrow’s class will be based around chapters 40-55 of Isaiah and pages 59-79 of Brueggemann’s book.

Pathos and Jesus of Nazareth

Rembrandt (1606-1669), Descent from the Cross

On Sunday, October 15, 2017 we will discuss the meaning of pathos as applied to the prophetic tradition and specifically to Jesus of Nazareth. While the category “prophet” is clearly not the only one we could apply to Jesus, it is one of several ways that he is presented in the New Testament.  We will look at this element of the prophetic tradition and what this implies about Jesus’ significance for the early Christian communities that produced the gospels and letters of the New Testament.

You can see the presentation that I will use here.

No class this Sunday (October 8, 2017)

Binkley Chancel Choir

The choir will be away this Sunday for our annual choir retreat, and I will be with them. I will look forward to seeing you again on October 15!